FANCY AERIAL MINI SHOOTER Aerial OutShoots a single large green colour star followed by a single sound in the sky Automatic Rocket Displays seven red stars followed by seven cracker sounds in the sky Coronet Shoots out a shell to the sky bursting with golden rays failing like umbrella with white strobing stars - Chrysanthemum effect Golden CindrellaShoots out vertically to the sky a beautiful BLUE comet that breaks in to GLITTERING GOLD stars Golden ClassicShoots out vertically to the sky emitting stars in a glittering golden colour Golden CoreShoots out vertically showering yellow coloured stars in the sky Golden CracklerShoots out vertically to the sky golden tail with multi cracker sound Golden EmeraldShoots out vertically to the sky a beautiful GREEN comet that breaks in to GLITTERING GOLD stars Golden MinnowsShoots out vertically to the sky with glittering gold coloured stars Golden StrawberryShoots out vertically to the sky a beautiful RED comet that breaks in to GLITTERING GOLD stars Green CascoShoots out vertically to the sky breaking into stars in green colour – Peony effect Jasmine CoreShoots out vertically showering white glittering stars in the sky Merry Go RoundAerial Spinner that ends with a bright flash & bang Multible Aerial StarDisplays multi coloured stars with multi cracker sounds in the sky PansyPushes out to the sky glittering gold stars and blue colour flashes Parachute Night Out MiniPushes out vertically to the sky one parachute with a green colour flare Parachute Night OutPushes out to the sky one parachute with a green colour flare Penta Sky FlashShoots out vertically to the sky breaking to colourful stars Red CascoShoots out vertically to the sky emitting stars in red colour – Peony effect Signal RocketDisplays seven green stars followed by seven cracker sounds in the sky Sky ShotShoots one green colour star ending with a single report Top 10 - sky FlashShoots out vertically to the sky breaking to colourful stars